Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today is due date day!

I think I am nesting in a Grandma way. I am making sure the house is clean and the laundry is done and cleaning closets. Which is weird I know, but nevertheless I am going with it. I had a flash in the middle of the night, a panic kind of flash that I did not want Natalie to have my cleft chin. I have always hated my chin. My butt crack chin. Today I am interviewing a partial wife. I need a whole wife, but a partial wife will do for now. I am holding my breath a lot lately, in anticipation of great new beginnings. Without the butt chin. I got my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Lucie Pollard Branham said...

You are beautiful. But the butt chin thing made me laugh. And she will be beautiful too. Love the partial wife, Happy Almost Birthday little one, you are coming into one great family of women!