I'm voting for the Naked Cowboy!
Here is the List. What do we have here....lots of radio talk show hosts, quite a few Minnesotans, they must be trying to escape the bitter weather for free white housing. I'm guessing we could get a little more info on the candidates as soon as the Casey Anthony trial wraps up. It appears she is the only woman on the face of the earth that has ever killed her child. Or not, that remains to be seen, because in America you are put on trial and given a verdict of guilty or not guilty. Which really has nothing to do with innocence, but everything to do about which side can put on the best dog and pony show. Back to the candidates for President of the United States of America.
Please don't be too dumb, but not too smart either. Harvard graduates are out...paralysis by analysis...trust me on this one.
Please don't be an extremist....either way
Please have at least a smidgen of common sense
Please don't try to regulate my body, my beliefs, or forget that all men are created equally.
Please be moral
Please be virtuous
Please be righteous
Please be noble
But please don't take all of my money
Oh well, that person is not in existance.... just go ahead and appoint Glenn Beck. The money saved on paper alone with the use of chalkboards will save millions and the forest too.
At least the Naked Cowboy can play the guitar.
Please be virtuous
Please be righteous
Please be noble
But please don't take all of my money
Oh well, that person is not in existance.... just go ahead and appoint Glenn Beck. The money saved on paper alone with the use of chalkboards will save millions and the forest too.
At least the Naked Cowboy can play the guitar.